Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Swim lessons

We did swim lessons through the city again this year.  I signed Co up for the first time.  Last year they let him pretend to be in the class, but this year he got to actually participate.  He was all talk about what a big guy he was until the first lesson.  Then he was all tears.  By the second lesson, I figured out that if I gave him a fruit snack for every time he did what they wanted him to, he didn't cry.  Like rewarding Shamu for his tricks.  Whatever works!  Right?  I signed both Landon and Cohen up for level 1 so that Co would feel more comfortable.  I think it worked, but Landon didn't do any comforting.  Instead he played with his buddy Josh.  They carried on their own swim lesson, while the little guys did something else.  It was actually pretty funny.  
Then Landon did level 2 with his friends Eli, Chloe and Josh.  Landon is making huge strides in his swimming this year.  He is doing well with the strokes and breathing to the side.  He also is super brave when it comes to the diving board.  He actually did a flip off it the last lesson. Crazy kid!
Co did get better.  He was getting more comfortable putting his face in the water and is working on some of the strokes.  He even jumped off the diving board the last 2 days, thanks to Dad's encouragement.  I think next year will be better for him, but he liked hanging out with his buddies Wes and Kali and playing in the water.  It was a great way to entertain them the first two weeks of summer.  
Grey did pretty good.  We only had one day that we had a massive blowout.  Other than that he just hung out.  He slept a lot if I held him, but wasn't as crazy about being put in his car seat.  It is hard to be drug everywhere when you are #3!!  He is a pretty good guy considering.  All in all it was a good time for everyone, Mommy included because it is always fun having mommy friends to chat with when we do these things.  

Waiting for the first swim lesson to start.  (Do you see the pecks on these kids? Whoa!)

Happy Shamu!
Hot, sticky and cranky!

Landon the fish.

Getting braver.  Blowing bubbles.

Landon going off the diving board.

Daddy talking strategy with Co, convincing him to jump.

Co hanging on for dear life, scared out of his mind to jump.
Co entertaining himself while Landon did level 2.

The cheer leaders. Go brothers! We are super proud of you!

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