Saturday, January 23, 2010


I am not a runner by nature. When I work out, I like to walk, do the eliptical, I loved my p90x videos, but running has never been my thing. The only time I enjoyed it was when I was trying to get in shape after I had Landon. After a short while, I hurt so bad (knees, shins, hips), that I could hardly walk. I gave up.
For some reason, I have been dreaming about me running for the last few months. I run like a gazelle when I dream. I enjoy being outside, I enjoy the idea of the hard work, I feel no pain (in my dreams, I mean), but reality and dreams tend to be polar opposites.
Why the rant about running? I let my friends rope me into doing one of these Ragnar relay races. They all convinced me I could do it. They said, "you're a natural athlete", "it'll be easy for you", etc., etc. Well, so far... they lied. I have had a hard time getting motivated to get out and run. The burn in my lungs alone is enough to make me quit. But, trying to find time on top of normal daily things, to do something that brings me such pain, is easy to put off. It doesn't help that we are having some arctic storm the last two weeks (that's what it feels like to this AZ girl!) Until today, that is. Today we ran as a group. 9 of the 12 runners got together at 7am and ran almost 4 miles. Well, everyone but me ran that far. I walked and ran, since today was only my 4th day of training and I am still pretty much DYING! But there is something about being with a group like that, all of them took turns keeping my pace, walking when I did, as to not leave me behind or make me feel like the dud of the group. Instead, they cheered me on, told me how awesome I did and never once made me feel like an imposition for being SO incredibly sLoW.
I'm not sure how ling it's going to take me to get to where I can even run for 20 minutes without having to take a walk break, but for now I'm glad I'm committed. It was mostly to get back into shape after having Grey, since I haven't done one thing since I had him. I hope that I can figure out how to keep it up, but even if I walk some during the race (which I'm not planning on!), I think that the experience is going to be one to remember.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Casey May

11 years ago we decided to get a dog. We did the fun puppy thing and went to the breeder and checked out the sweet puppies and decided which one we should bring home. We had been married just less than a year and were about to move into our very first home. Both Steve and I had been raised with poodles and so the decision was easy to get a poodle of our own. We treated her like a baby. We took her everywhere. When she needed $2500 of knee surgery, we didn't balk, we just did it. She slept on our bed, she laid close when we watched TV, she loved to play fetch, she loved to play in the hose. She pretty much took care of herself, other than needing us to refill her water or food or to give her an occasional bath. She was the perfect dog. She used her dog door, didn't need walks, scratched at the cabinet if her bowls were empty and when the kids came, she was patient and kind while they smacked at her fluffy fur, pulled her ears and even occasionally carried her around upside down. After 11 years of good life, she got sick. The doctors weren't entirely sure what was wrong, but it was obvious she was in pain. She couldn't control her bladder, didn't sleep at night, wheezed, limped and pretty much just existed. It wasn't fair to her, so yesterday we put her down. It was a horrible experience and I am grateful Steve could be there because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I know she is in a better place, but through the wave of difficult things that have gone on in our lives as of late, I am grateful to know that there is peace and comfort in prayer and in the knowledge of our Savior. May sound silly to the non-pet people, but she was like another child to us. We love you, Casey May.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Grey- 9 month stats

I took Grey to the Dr. the other day for his 9 month check and here are the stats:

Height: 31 inches
Weight: 23 lbs.

Just to compare here are the other boys stats:
Ht: 30.5 in.
wt: 21lb. 14oz.

Ht: 30.5 in
wt: 21lb 13oz.

They are all pretty close in size at this age, I guess. I can never really tell, they all just seem HUGE!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Co!

Today is Cohen's 4th birthday. I get emotional just thinking about all the wonderful things I love about this little boy. He has been the biggest blessing since the moment he entered our lives. He is a lover, snuggler, peace-maker, obedient, and so much more. He loves to be hugged and kissed. Always has. He loves to say "I love you" and most often if he forgets what he was going to say, he looks at you and says, "I love you". He loves to nap and sleep. It is funny to think that he never once got out of bed on his own until just a few months ago when Steve insisted that he was big enough to. He is fun to be around and funny without knowing it. He loves his brothers and would do anything for them. He is happy on his own and will quietly play for hours. He loves the TV and video games and I am sure will have to be pried from them when he knows how to turn them on and off himself. He can work an ipod better than his brother. He is starting to be able to trace him name with a lot of accuracy. He is determined and wants to keep up with his brother in football, basketball and soccer. He has the most amazing hair and most amazing big, dark brown eyes and olive skin. He is quirky. He is tall and thin and takes mostly after his daddy in his handsome good looks. He still loves his barefoot dreams blankets for nap and bedtime. He loves our dog and is so gentle and sweet with her. I know that he has been such a blessing in our lives and I am grateful that his is mine.
He has been sick the last few days and he is enjoying just relaxing on the couch and watching TV until his hearts content. Happy Birthday, Little Man!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The home stretch

Steve has been gone for 7 days. He is on a cruise to some fabulous place called the Grand Turks. For many, many reasons, I couldn't go. He was required to, for work, because he was the host for his employees. My friends have been truly amazing to me this week. I have had so many people just be there for me. I survived. He will be home at midnight tonight. I can't wait to see him. My boys can't wait to see him. His presence is truly missed in our home. I always amaze myself when I am tested like this. The boys really stepped up this week, but I know that it was more than just them. Prayers are answered if we will just ask. Who knew three kids could be so easy! (it must have really been some good praying!)

And then there were 4...

Teeth, that is. My little love bug got his 4th tooth on Wednesday. He is so incredibly cute when he smiles now!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grey is 9 months old

I can't believe my baby is 9 months old. He is such an amazing boy and he has changed our family in ways we will never be able to fully understand. I do know that the love we have for him is deeper and more special than any of us imagined. He has grown up so fast and we wish he would slow down and take his time, but there is no holding this sweet boy back.
He is!
He climbs the stairs.
He walks the edges of things well.
He is testing his balance by letting go and can stand for a few seconds on his own.
He has 3 teeth.
He does well with all foods, but his fav is squash.
He loves balls and his only word is still "ball".
He is easy to take places and for the most part is easy going.
He loves music and loves to bounce to the beat.
His favorite song in Empire State of Mind by JayZ and Alicia Keys.
He loves to sit with his legs bent out in that painful looking, cute kid way.
He is still a mama's boy, but has a special bond with the boys and his daddy.
He won't take the bottle.
He is napping 2-3x a day for about 2 hours each nap.
He still gets up at least once a night.
He goes to bed the latest by far of any of my kids, around 8 or later.
He loves the dog.
When he wants something he makes a very certain noise and you know that he wants whatever you have. Kindof a demanding "mmmmm" noise and arches his back a bit.
He loves his new Christmas toys, but plays with the boys skate ramp and little skate boards the most.
I love this sweet baby boy and am grateful for the deeper appreciation of babies he has given me. I am definitely enjoying every moment with him.

Christmas 2009

This was a crazy Christmas year. The boys were spoiled beyond belief and ended up with so many big presents that I am still trying to figure out how we managed to spoil them and not realize it until it was a bit too late to return some stuff. Mostly, it ended up being money Grandma Didi had sent that did the spoiling, but they have been so appreciative that I am not feeling as guilty as I started out feeling. Our big gifts for them this year were a trampoline and an air hockey table. The air hockey table was a Christmas Eve find, that was too good of a deal to pass on and hence left me feeling overwhelmed. But when it was $500 on sale for $150, even this mom couldn't pass it up since Grandma had already sent the money. Landon got a new bike and Co got new training wheels on Landon's old one. They were both super excited. Co got a scooter and they got the frog-o-sphere to share. Grey got a bike, bubblegum machine toy, ball spinner, and a bunch of other balls. He really likes anything and just explores whatever is out. There was other small things, but over all, lets just say they were SPOILED! Lucky for them, Steve loves nothing more than to give. Christmas has always been his favorite time of year, so things changing this time of year may not be an option. I am grateful that he has a wonderful job that allows us to provide an amazing life for our family and am grateful that we both know that if there was nothing to give, we would be every bit as happy as we are now.
We did our traditional Christmas Eve jammies and did a big fondue dinner Christmas Eve. Christmas morning we saw what Santa brought and played with the new things and then did a big breakfast of crepes. After breakfast, and mom and dad had full stomachs, we dove into the wrapped gifts. I think we finished at 2pm, but it was so nice to go slow and enjoy each gift. This was the first year that we didn't have any family around and I think we all enjoyed it more than we thought we would. Grey loved playing in all the paper and probably didn't even notice the gifts. All in all it was a wonderful year. I look forward to next year being just the same! (Well, except maybe not getting a new car for me that took me by total surprise and wasn't entirely well received! I'll save that story for another day.)

The microcopters were a big hit. Grey thinks they are awesome. He loves watching them fly around.

Grey also loves the skate ramp and thinks the skateboards are great chew toys.
Co is so excited to have a bike again. His bike was falling apart and so he hadn't been able to ride it.
Landons bike has gears and he thought it was so fun to change to the easiest gear and peddle really fast.
Grey can ride his bike or it turns into a walker while he learns to walk.
Grey loving all the wrapping paper and tissue.
Christmas eve jammies.

Christmas pictures 2009

We got the most amazing pictures this year for our Christmas pictures. There were so many to choose from and I just want to print posters of them and wallpaper my house with them. I really love them, if you can't tell. Here are a few I haven't posted that I wanted to share. It has been a while since I have had a family picture that I loved, but having so many to choose from is almost worse because I am lost as to what to print and where to put them.