Tuesday, July 13, 2010

15 months

I can't believe that Greyson is 15 months old. Where has the time gone? He is so amazing. I can hardly stand it. I am so in love with those beautiful blue eyes and that long, crazy, dreamy hair. He is so independent, yet lovable. He is sweet, yet ornery. Gentle, yet mean. Here are a few things that he is known for.
He give some of the best loves. Especially after naps and in the morning.
He gives sweet kisses and even knows to pucker up.
He waves hi and bye by opening and closing his fingers.
He gives high fives and knuckles or "pounds".
He loves both of his brothers and can say "Danden".
He loves any sort of ball.
He loves to swing at balls with any object he can.
If he could pick any toy to play with it would definitely be a ball.
He still says "ball ball ball" all day long.
He is often found in precarious situations hollering "Mom! Mom!"
He loves to wander off and is happy playing all day.
He loves to be outside.
He has amazing coordination.
He loves the water and will stand under the shower letting the water run in his face forever.
He loves to hit people.
He hates to have his diaper changed.
He understands SO much of what we say and often amazes us when he responds to things we never knew he understood.
If I tell him to "show me", he opens his mouth. Even if I'm not asking what is in his mouth.
He loves music. Boom Boom Pow (which he sings boom boom boom to), and Imma Be are amongst his favorites.
He has begun to fall in love with his blankets.
He can climb on the kitchen table and gets in tons of trouble there.
He can open doors and loves to help himself in the pantry.
He can go up and down the stairs.
He is starting to find trouble in many, many places. ie: the toilet
He loves to mess up the shoes in our closets.
He sleeps mainly in his bed and rarely falls asleep in the car.
He loves the itouch and knows how to swipe the screen to change the pictures.
He runs most everywhere.
As independent as he is, he rarely leaves my lap when we are in public.
He doesn't take to strangers well.
He loves to laugh when everyone else laughs.
He loves to sit in chairs when we are out at sports, the park, or the beach.
He only likes to eat his snacks out of a ziploc bag.
He lights up our lives and we are grateful that we can experience all his nuances each day.

Landon's Swim Lessons

Landon has known how to swim for a while. Each year he gets stronger. This year he was supposed to be working on perfecting his strokes. His lessons turned out to be kindof a flop and he did more goofing off than swimming, but he had fun. And that's what matters right? He did a lot of jumping off the diving board and swimming to the edge and they worked on some breathing. He is going to take a few lessons from Grandma Janna this week and hopefully make some more improvements.

Cohen's swim lessons

During the first few weeks of summer, Cohen had swim lessons twice a day. I had originally signed him up for the same ones we do every year, but he has never made much progress in them. He always had so much fun, but he never get braver. The most amazing lady in our ward was doing them and we were supposed to do them earlier in the year, but with the funeral we had to delay. We ended up with two weeks of two a day lessons. He got so much better, but he still has a long way to go to be water safe. He just doesn't have a lot of desire to be out in the "deep, deep, deep" as he calls it. He now can put his head under the water comfortably and he can swim about 75 feet on his own. His teacher says he has the body of Michael Phelps, so he was built to swim. I know that Landon got to be so good the year that we had our own pool. It's the practice that he's lacking now. He is so proud when he gets it and I am proud of him! He loves to watch the video of him swimming over and over. What a sweetie!