Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Giants Game

We have been so adventurous since we have had Grey.  I would never have done this with one or two, but with three, no problem.  I must be getting crazier.  Saturday afternoon, after our last t-ball game and team party, we packed up and headed to San Francisco.  We stayed the night there and took the boys to a Giants game.  I think Landon has been to a baseball game in Arizona, but this was Cohens' first game.  They had a ton of fun, especially since the tickets are 8 rows up behind home plate.  The boys were super tired because they didn't nap on Saturday, but they still had fun.  They got ice cream sandwitches, popcorn, and corndogs.  I had to hold Grey most of the game and I think my back was numb from the pain, but it was a great family weekend.  I love doing new things with my boys.  

1 comment:

Kari said...

No way! We were totally at that game too!! How funny! We were sitting way up in the higher level but they were still great seats and we could see it all...and the wind was blocked so it wasn't too cold. We took the kids too and they seemed to have a great time! We drove home that night although spending the night there would have been fun! We'll have to go together sometime!