Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ragnar SoCal 2010/ Diva Mamas

5 with 5
4 with 4
3 with 3 =
50 kids home alone...
and 12 crazy "Diva Mamas"!
Running a mere 200 miles...from Ventura to Dana Point.

This weekend was so much fun, so exhausting, and left us all ready for seconds. I really wasn't sure why I let my friends talk me into this crazy race, but I am so glad I did. I am proud of our accomplishment (not to brag... but 2nd place in our category ain't too shabby!), I am so amazed by our endurance (no walking here!), and so happy to officially call myself a runner. I am truly inspired by all of these amazing women! Thank you for making this a weekend to remember. I am dying to see all of the pictures. With 12 cameras, we decided picture sharing was better than repeats, so this is all I got. Can't wait to see more!

1 comment:

Steph Weaver said...

Way to go! What a great accomplishment. Looks like a fun time and I love your shirt's!