Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Party

Tonight was one of our friends Christmas parties.  The boys had so much fun.  There were tons of kids there and Santa, so lots of playing and excitement.  Landon was so cute with Santa.  He was the last kid to sit on his lap because he would never be the pushy one asking to go first.  He always sits back, watches and waits for someone to notice him.  After a little encouragement he raised his hand and got his turn.  I am not sure what he asked for, but I think he said a red power ranger costume.  Since he already has one, do I technically have to get another one?  Ha, ha, that kid can't get enough of costumes.  We have 3 drawers full of them.  Cohen wouldn't even come close enough to Santa to get a candy cane.  I had to do the hand off.  We did get some good pictures.  Glad I remembered my camera!  

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