Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's good to be 6!

Landon turned 6 on Friday. It was a mothers nightmare. Party planned, cake in progress and Landon comes home from school on Thursday with a fever. I couldn't believe it. What was a mom to do? Should I cancel the party? Do I keep working on the cake? Do I put the moms' on standby and tell them that my kid may be sick? Do I continue making the pumpkin muffins he wants to bring to school to celebrate his day? Answer?...Have Steve give him a blessing! I was feeling like this might be a little selfish to ask the Lord to help Landon to be better enough to enjoy his birthday, but obviously the Lord didn't think it was such a bad idea. Landon woke up at least 3 times asking me to take his temperature because in his words "I feel awesome!" Ok, so I am glad he was feeling awesome, but seriously, I didn't care at 1am! Or at 3am for that matter. He woke up Friday morning feeling great and made it the entire day at school. I checked on him mid day and he was doing great. He made it until about the last 15 minutes of his party and then you could tell he was starting to get the fever again. He was so happy he got to celebrate his day. The fever stayed for the next few days, but he loved all his gifts and played happily in the house. His big gifts were a new skateboard, a new scooter, and a football uniform. He had to earn half the money for the skateboard and so he went with Steve on Saturday and picked it out. He loves it.
We had his party at a place called Sky Zone. It is full of trampolines and you basically just jump and do tricks. There are tramps on the walls and all across the floor in this big room. They have a separate room that you can play dodge ball in. They jumped until they were red faced and wiped out. They had pizza and cake and we quickly did presents. It was a small party. Bigger than I had planned, but still we kept it pretty small. He had a great time despite not feeling 100%.

Some things about Landon at 6:
He loves school.
He loves baby Greyson (and wants more babies around).
His favorite colors are red and blue.
He loves to wrestle with Steve.
He loves to be outside.
He loves to hunt for lizards.
He HATES taking naps.
He is still a little shy in new places.
He is starting to read. Can sound out most anything and learning his sight words.
He doesn't have a strong desire to read.
Is a good negotiator.
Knows how to wear a mom down to get what he wants.
Can tie his own shoes.
Loves to play dress up.
Likes to be the boss.
Doesn't play well on his own. Really wants someone just to at least watch him play.
Is a people pleaser.
Behaves at school, mostly because he is humiliated if someone other than me corrects him.
Colors extremely well.
Is an early riser. (6:30 most days)
Wears a size 2 1/2 shoe.
Wears a size 7 jean/shorts.
Loves clothes and is very opinionated about what he wears.
Has lost 2 teeth so far and has 3 of his 6 year old molars.
Loves music. Asks the name of songs he loves and then asks for them by name.
Loves animals.
Internalizes everything.
Gets scared easily at night and needs a nightlight.
Loves his bear he sleeps with, "Doggy", and is on doggy #3.
Smells everything. The smell of Doggy relaxes him.
Loves having people come visit and stay at our house.
Is very sensitive.
Loves his family and especially his brothers
Landon and his friends. He got to choose 3 school friends and 3 church friends. We had to add 2 school friends because of siblings/conflicts.
Steve grabbed Landon and pulled him on top of him his very first jump out. He hurt his neck really bad and had to sit on the side and watch the rest of the party. He was so excited to get out there and jump with Landon and he could hardly move for 3 days instead!
Cohen didn't get dodge ball. It was mostly hoard the ball.
Baby Grey!
Grandma Carter came for his birthday.
Landon got jumped on while he was there. His eye was swollen and red!

The new football helmets. We had to get one for Co so they can play together.
Steve built the ramp. I did the cake. I think it was one of the best cakes I've done.

Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Okay first of all, what an awesome cake! You seriously made that?!! I'm sure that was the coolest 6 year old's cake that any of those boys have seen!

I'm so glad that Landon was feeling better for his party and that it all turned out well. Bummed that Zach couldn't be there b/c I know he would have had a blast and I know how much he loves Landon! Glad he had a fun day!