Sunday, October 4, 2009

Grey's got the Croup

We love the cooler weather, but with the good comes the bad! I hate cold/flu season! It is so sad when little babies get sick. We had to take a trip the the ER this morning to have Grey looked at. He was having a really hard time breathing and I normally wouldn't have taken him, but this is the week that Steve is gone pretty much the whole week.
They game Grey a steroid shot to open his airways and gave me some helpful hints about croup, but they said keep a close eye on him. Steve left for the airport shortly after I got home. The older boys have been amazing. I am pretty much useless. Grey won't let me do anything, but stand and hold him. I can't even sit down. He is happy playing with me by his side for about 3 minutes, but other than that we are walking the halls. I feel so bad for him. He is awake about 45 minutes, then he is back down for about 20-30 minutes. He was great for the doctors at the hospital, but it was hard saying bye to daddy, because I could tell this was going to be a hard week for Grey. Hope he feels better tomorrow, and more importantly, sleeps well tonight!

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