Wednesday, October 7, 2009

6 months portraits

So here's the picture day story... (there's always a story to pictures, isn't there?)
I took Grey to have his pictures done today. They were all really cute, but I think this one was my favorite. I had a hard time deciding, but it didn't help that I ended up having to do the pictures after I picked Cohen up from school. I just didn't think about making an appointment, so when I showed up, they were booked. I almost didn't even do them because the day was going opposite of how I had planned. Grey did great. The girl who took them was really sweet...until Cohen had a full frontal meltdown. I mean, a totally out of character, freak out, kick and scream, wailing at the top of his lungs, sort of meltdown. Like picking pictures wasn't hard enough.

Grey thought this was totally hilarious. Laughed at him the whole tantrum. Oh, and the lady even said "looks like you should probably come back another time to pick them out". Seriously...she was being really nice, but walk away with nothing, after that experience? No way! When I finally decided, and I asked how long it took to print, she told me 10 minutes. But then said something along the lines of "that may be too long for you to wait". Hahaha! Like my friend Summer and I said just yesterday, parenting is a very humbling experience! Oh and the kicker to the story, while we waited for the pictures, Co lost it again, begging for a toy because I was such a mean mom. I think it went something like this, "Are you going to get me a toy since you were so mean to me?" The wailing began again because I just couldn't stifle my laughter, which was mostly sheer awe at the fact that my child wanted a toy. Oh, boy! At least I can laugh about it now. How I must have looked to all those judging eyes. At least I liked the pictures.
What Grey is doing at 6 months...
-Is off solid foods. It didn't seem to change his sleep and he hated everything I tried, so I have been lazy and just quit trying. (I'll try again soon!)
-Is sitting up for about a minute or two by himself.
-Is starting to get up on all fours. He does this a lot in his crib and rocks and rocks. Cute to watch.
-Isn't sleeping well. Gets up at least 2x a night. Sometimes more.
-Naps twice for about 2 hours and once or twice for about 45 minutes.
-Is happy without a nap if we are on the go. (I am usually more stressed that he isn't getting a good nap than he actually cares.)
-Likes his exersaucer.
-Just realized how much he loves the dog. He loves to touch and pull her hair. She is really good and patient with him.
-Loves to watch his brothers play.
-Hates any kind of binky. Trust me we have tried them all. He just decided one day that he wanted nothing to do with them.
-Loves hair. He loves playing with mine, but anyone who has long, dark hair has a big in with this little man.
-Has great ability to touch and grab things.
-Is a total mama's boy. He loves Steve, but he seems more attached to me than either of the other boys were.
-Laughs easily.
-Is drooling up a storm, but has no teeth.
-Still has blow out poops almost every day.
-Still spits up a ton.
-Loves the bath.
-Loves to be outside. He loves to look at the trees and feel the breeze.
-Likes to swing outside.
-Plays with the tags on the toys in his saucer, more than he plays with the toys.
-Loves to sit in highchairs.
-Likes to chew on the ribbon on his burp cloths.
-Screams. A lot!
-Won't fall asleep in my arms. Just in his carseat or bed.
-Is the sweetest boy ever!
He goes in for an appointment on Monday. I'll post his weight and height then.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Don't we all have a picture story! Glad you were still able to get a cute one!! I can't believe how big Grey is getting! What a cute little man!!