Friday, November 14, 2008


I always look forward to the weekends, but especially when Steve has traveled all week. He crossed the states this week and we are glad he is headed back to the west coast. I kept the boys busy all week, but they really do miss him when he is gone. What we did this week:

Ran errands, school, ate pizza at Costco, RS Enrichment, check out new Whole Foods, lunch at mall with friends, more errands, miss daddy, check out new mall, lunch and park with friends, more errands, miss daddy, check out a few baby stores for bedding, school, took kids to new CPK and ice cream, miss daddy, miss daddy, miss daddy.

I really don't know what we did with all of our time. The kids were actually pretty easy this week. Sad to say, but it is usually easier when Steve is gone all week. We just settle in to a routine. No cooking necessary, one less person to clean after, but we really do miss him. I love my life. I love being a mommy. I love being able to do so many fun things with and for my kids. I am thankful for how blessed we are.

And by the way, the baby in on the MoVe!! It took a long time to recognize it this time, but he is definately MoVinG!!! Fun, fun fun!!!

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