Sunday, November 23, 2008

Glitter Paint

So the other day Landon got out these glitter paints that I had bought him over a year ago.  We got them from Costco and they came with this super cool electric dispenser.  Of course, the first time we got them out we discovered that the dispenser was broken and I said I would take it back and exchange them.  Well, I never did.  So I finally caved and told Landon we could try them out anyway the other day.  I saved it to do during Cohens' naptime since I knew it would be messy.  As you can see, we both had a blast.  Landon found a love for coloring in pre-school last year, and he loves to try new stuff.  Well worth the $7 and who cares that the thing was broken.  I think I had more fun than him and Cohen even got a chance at it too.  We painted for well over an hour.  So fun.  I wish I had gotten a picture of him working on it.

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