Friday, December 10, 2010


I feel like I am stuck...frozen maybe is a better word.  Frozen in time.  Things are whirling around me at record pace, but I am just frozen.  I should be doing so many things to get ready.  Get ready for Christmas, get ready for moving, get ready for whatever I need to do next.  But instead, I find myself just sitting, often times wasting my time, because I feel like all things thing that need preparing for are just so far away.  Christmas...2 weeks away....huh?!? Really?  Moving....17 days away?  It just seems unreal.  I keep counting down the days we have left to the kids.  Trying to prepare them because I know that this is going to be hard, but it hasn't sunk in for me.  Oh, and I'm having a baby in 3 months?  Interesting!  And its a GIRL!  And I have nothing, and I mean nothing ready.  Wow.  Panic mode will set in shortly.  I just keep waiting for it to set in, but in the meantime, I am just frozen.  Waiting for the sky to fall.  Steve may feel differently, since it seems that every weekend I have some sort of emotional breakdown for him.  Comes out of the blue.  Seems just about anything sets me off.  But during the week, when he is out of town, I am Wonderwoman, and nothing seems to faze me.  Not sure I'm ready to face reality.

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