Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where does the time go?

So this has been a wild month.  We started the month with a trip to AZ.  We spent 9 days there and did tons with Grandma and Papa DiDi.  The rest of the month is a blur.  I will post the pictures from our trip to Az, and Steve's Father/Son campout.  I have some other fun random pics, too, but no time to post.  Anyway, here is a quick picture of Shay and Grey.  Ok, so for those of you who don't know, she was born the day before Grey was, to some of our good friends.  Turns out their names rhyme, and thus with birthdays a day apart (she's the 3rd, he's the 4th) we figure they are destined to be together.  How cute are they in their matching jammies?  
I also wanted to remind myself that Grey rolled over for the first time on Tuesday (28th).  He has done it a few times since, but I am so not ready for him to grow up.  I can't believe that he will be 4 months this week.  


The Ludlow Family said...

Our little ones are too cute together. I need that pic!

amber said...

Very cute. You need to update Grey's age and photo on the side of your blog. Little Grey with the amazing hair!