Thursday, August 20, 2009

Arizona Vacation

The last 2 years we have gone to Arizona for the 4th of July. Why we decide to go when it's 114 degrees, I'm not sure. But we do, and it is always a blast. What else can you do but get wet? We spent the day of the 4th with Steve's boss and his family. They are awesome people and we love being able to hang out on non-work related things. The boys swam and played for over 3 hours in the pool. Then later that night, after way too much sun, we sat in my moms' back yard and watched the fireworks for a few minutes. We had the boys yell and scream and cheer, so they wouldn't be scared. It seemed to work. Co watched from Steve's shoulders, and had no clue his buns were hanging out the whole time. Too cute. We got to spend time with Summer, Corin, Stephanie, Maury, Chloe, Mimi and of course Grandma and Papa Didi. We lived at the pool and ate frozen yogurt pretty much every day. Steve did get to take me to dinner one night, but lets just say that was a royal disaster. You would think that 3 adults could manage 3 kids, but it proved to be tougher than one might think.

Anyway, we had an amazing time and we loved being able to visit so many of our friends and spend great time with family. I forgot my camera for almost everything we did, but I did catch a few photos of the boys at one of the outdoor malls that has a water play area. They had a great time eating dinner and hanging out with some of our friends. I just can't figure out for the life of me, why when it is 114 degrees, would you have a fire burning?!?!

1 comment:

Steph Weaver said...

So fun to see you guys! Your boys are such mini-Steves!!

Love the bum picture...classic!!