Monday, February 16, 2009

Landon's First Suit

Sometime around Christmas we were doing some shopping and we saw the cutest suit in the little boys section of Nordstrom.  Steve was totally sold!  It was on sale, but on sale was still almost $200.  I vetoed the excitement and told the extremely excited daddy and Landon there was no way we were spending that much on a suit.  Man was I on everyones "s" list that day.  I was doing a little time killing the other day, and ran in the The Rack, which I never do.  They happened to have this suit, for only $50 (and by the way, it happened to be the only one and it was his size!).  Now that, I can see getting, with 3 boys it ought to be worth the money.  We finally got the pants and coat altered and you can see that our boy was SO EXciTeD!  I don't think he has ever been that reverent or sat that still at church.  His daddy had told him that if he was going to wear a suit like him, he had to act like a big boy.  There was no crawling on the floor, no wiggling everywhere.  He pretty much just colored a tiny bit and sat there.  He thought it was SO cool that he had pockets on the inside of his coat, and stashed his fruit snack there until after the sacrament.  I am not sure why clothes are so important to him, but he always wants a button down shirt and tie, and is so loving the new suit.  What a cutie!


Kari said...

That is too cute! I'm gonna have to get Zach one of those awesome suits and hope that it'll get him to sit still in church too!

Tiffani said...

I love his pose!