Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Really is a Girl!

Somehow I can't figure out how to rotate that picture, but you get the point.  She really is a she!  I honestly am still in utter amazement.  I think in the back of my head, ever since the day we found out, I have been thinking that they just might have been wrong.  I don't know if the shock will wear off before she actually arrives, but I get to thinking and then I stop and say, "this must be a dream".
But, since I know it really, really isn't, I must say, it is pretty overwhelming thinking of starting from scratch.  Clothes, shoes, blankets, burp cloths, bedding, accessories...ooh the accessories!
I think I might feel differently if it was coming at some other time than when we were uprooting and starting over in a new city, but somehow I will adjust!  And I will never get sick of my favorite and purple.  Lots and lots of pink and purple!

PS.  Dear Sweet Baby Girl,
I went back and checked the post from when I found out Greyson was a boy.  I wanted to compare the ultrasound pictures.  I didn't remember writing that, but thank you for reminding me that even though I thought I was done, you were still waiting.  "November 10, 2008, It's a.....", that is one amazing post to me.

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