Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Greyson "Grey" James Carter
Born 4-4-09
8lb. 4oz.
20.5 inches
The delivery went well and we are all adjusting to having baby #3.  The boys are totally in love.  He is my biggest baby by 3 oz.  Has the smallest hands and feet of any of my kids, and he is the first not to have a prominent cowlick.  He is not really sleeping at night and this is a first for me.  I am enjoying having Steve and his mom around for an extra set of hands.  I am struggeling through the breast feeding right now as I forget that this is one of the hardest parts for me due to my gross oversupply of milk.  Think enough for triplets or to be a paid wet nurse.  It is a blessing to have another sweet baby and I am glad to know that he is loved by his whole family. He looks the most like Cohen to me, but he has his own look for sure.  I will post baby pictures of the other boys to compare when I am up for it.  Until then.  

1 comment:

Steph Weaver said...

Congratulation's! He is beautiful with an awesome head of it! Hope you are doing well, can't wait to hear/see more!