Monday, August 18, 2008

Just a Little Rant

So I have been trying to figure out his new computer that my husband had to buy, and long story short, I can't.  I can't get the pictures from my memory card onto the home computer (someone at work talked him into changing to a Mac....brilliant!!).  I have been using my laptop, but it seems silly to get it out just to post a blog.  And now I can't even get the internet to work on it, so that I could post some pictures.  So I guess I need to just rant.  

Steve has been gone so much lately that I count the days until Friday, so that we can be a family for a few days.  I think I have been a pretty good sport, but on days like today, when not much is going on, I tend to get a bit down that I know I won't see him most of the week. 

The kids are definitely bored and are driving me up the wall.  I feel like a perpetual screamer these days.  I know that school will start soon enough and I will be sad I didn't enjoy the time that I didn't have to be somewhere, at a certain time, everyday.  Really, I just wish I was smart enough to figure out my computer.  Maybe then I wouldn't care that my husband has been gone for the last 2 months (excluding weekends) and there is no end in sight.   That said, I feel much better.  Sometimes you just need to get it off your chest!!

1 comment:

amber said...

Good for you, you've been the best little trooper all summer. It is understandable that a computer could just set you off. Good luck with the MAC, that is like learning latin when you have used pcs your whole life.