Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Casey May

11 years ago we decided to get a dog. We did the fun puppy thing and went to the breeder and checked out the sweet puppies and decided which one we should bring home. We had been married just less than a year and were about to move into our very first home. Both Steve and I had been raised with poodles and so the decision was easy to get a poodle of our own. We treated her like a baby. We took her everywhere. When she needed $2500 of knee surgery, we didn't balk, we just did it. She slept on our bed, she laid close when we watched TV, she loved to play fetch, she loved to play in the hose. She pretty much took care of herself, other than needing us to refill her water or food or to give her an occasional bath. She was the perfect dog. She used her dog door, didn't need walks, scratched at the cabinet if her bowls were empty and when the kids came, she was patient and kind while they smacked at her fluffy fur, pulled her ears and even occasionally carried her around upside down. After 11 years of good life, she got sick. The doctors weren't entirely sure what was wrong, but it was obvious she was in pain. She couldn't control her bladder, didn't sleep at night, wheezed, limped and pretty much just existed. It wasn't fair to her, so yesterday we put her down. It was a horrible experience and I am grateful Steve could be there because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I know she is in a better place, but through the wave of difficult things that have gone on in our lives as of late, I am grateful to know that there is peace and comfort in prayer and in the knowledge of our Savior. May sound silly to the non-pet people, but she was like another child to us. We love you, Casey May.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I'm sorry to hear about little Casey. That must have been tough! IT is comforting to know that she is in a better place and free from pain :)