Thursday, April 28, 2011

Out of the mouth of the Carter boys...

Landon saw the very first pictures of Lillian at the hospital on Steve's cell phone. He looked at the pictures and asked, "Dad, is Lillian a little bit China-ish?". Apparently her darker skin and swollen eyes were strange to him. Laughed a long time after that one.

Cohen: When we were talking about how dark Lillians skin was he commented, "At least she'll be really fast!". Ok, seriously...laughed SO hard when he said that!

Greyson: Ball? Yes? Inside? Yes? (nodding head emphatically) Phone down. Lily map, mom. Catch. Yes? (nodding again)
Grey is so cute when he asks and answers he own questions. The other day he wanted me to play catch with him(with an outside ball, hence the inside question) but I was holding Lily in one hand and my phone in the other. He was so funny putting all his wants into one big conversation with me. A very one-sided one, but a great conversation none the less.

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