Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 month...almost

Can't believe this little sweetie is a month old tomorrow.  She is getting so big.  She is such a peaceful, calm baby and she still sleeps a ton.  Night is hit or miss depending on if I can keep her awake for a while before she gets into that deep night sleep.  She can go 5 hours at night if I keep her up til 11!  She still rarely cries and gives out an occasional smile.  Twice I swear she knew I was talking to her and she got the biggest smiles.  We are loving every second with her.


amber said...

I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HER!!! i HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT CHECKING YOUR BLOG AND YOU HAVE SOME GREAT PICTURES OF LILLIAN. She looks so cute in all her outfits. Sounds like you have an amazing baby girl. I told you I couldn't lie, having a baby girl is wonderful.

Kari said...

She is adorable! I can't wait to meet her! Sounds like she is a great baby!