Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lillian's first 2 weeks

 First bath...she loved her hair being washed, but wasn't sure about the rest.

 She pretty much lives in the swing during the day.  I have to wake her up to feed her most of the time.
 Flowers for mommy and Lillian.

These first two weeks have gone by slowly in some ways and quick in others.  She is rarely awake and she is just SO sweet.  She rarely cries, and most often has to be woken up to do anything, even eat and be changed.  She LOVES to be close to me and often times when she is fussy, all I have to do is pick her up.  The boys are still loving her and hold her any chance they get.  Grandpa came in town and has enjoyed watching her sleep!  She did make it to both of her brothers first baseball games and was amazing at both.
She was at the Dr. today for her 2 week well check and she weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz.  They were quite impressed with her weight gain.  She was 21" long today.
She is definitely my most easy going baby and we are all loving having her around.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

She is precious and I love all of her hair! Congratulations!