Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lillian 10 months

Lillian at 10 months:
weight: around 16 lb. 4 oz
Lillian has changed so incredibly much this month.  Steve and I sat and watched her this morning and both agreed we could envision a toddler in our near future.
Lillian got 2 new teeth this month.  The first popped through December 26 and the second took another 2 weeks.  She now has two top teeth and two bottom and is so incredibly cute.  
The biggest change in her happened about 3 weeks ago.  She just blossomed when it came to eating solids.  She is trying lots of new things and acts much like a normal baby.  She still eats small amounts, but she is eating: mashed potatoes, scrambled egg yolks, cheese, yogurt and several different baby foods.  She isn't crazy about the veggies by themselves, but likes the pears, apples, will eat green beans mixed with apples, and some of the fruit combos.  It is amazing to do these normal things that we find so amazing every time.  She still hasn't gained much weight, but all of her test came back normal, so it seems like she is just going to be petite.  We do give her a supplement called Duocal that adds extra calories to the things that she eats.  
She is getting more and more confident on her feet and cruises everywhere.  She occasionally forget and lets go, but can balance for a half of a second before plopping to her bum.
She also started babbling this month.  She started with Mama, but can also say Dada although not as ofter and I've even heard a baba in there too.  She says Mama all day long and it never fails to melt me as she crawls up my legs saying Ma ma ma. 
Mimicking is now in her bag of tricks.  The last week she has been sitting on her knees and bouncing up and down and waving her arms.  I call this dancing and if I tell her to dance and bounce a little, she gets on her knees and does this.  She is also doing the funniest head bob where she throws her head backward.  She loves when we laugh at her and does it over and over.
Her hair is getting thicker and still has a little curl to it.  She leaves her headbands in and everyone marvels at the fact that she will.
She is napping 3 times a day and usually for around 45 minutes.  (around 9,12 and 5)  She goes to bed around 7:30 and still wakes up once and usually is up for the morning around 6:30-7.  She always wakes up happy although she is having to cry herself to sleep from time to time.  It usually only takes her a minute, but she knows since she is happy always, that if she protests a nap, often times I will keep her up.
She is still very small through the middle and it is very hard to find pants that fit her.  They are usually too short for her, but they are still 2 inches too big in the waist. 
She is happy when anyone holds her, but if I am near, she will reach for me.  She is starting to express her dislike about certain things more and more and will even get mad, but the best is that she will cry for about 3 seconds and then forget all about what she was upset about. 
She also discovered this month that she can open all of my cabinets.  This proves to be exhausting since we know we won't be here forever and it seems like a waste to baby proof everything.  Right now hair bands are keeping her out of the important stuff and I do a lot of pick up on the rest.  
She is so fun to have around.  I know these next two months are going to fly by and I am going to be saying she is 1!

 Can you see her teeth in this big smile?

 Notice the high waters?
I love it when she sits on her knees like this!  So cute!

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