Friday, July 22, 2011

Landon's First trip away from home

Landon got to experience his first trip away from home.  This was a big moment for him.  I am dead set against sleep overs.  I tend to keep an iron grip on my children and feel completely responsible for keeping them out of harm's way.  Which is impossible if they are not with you.  Hence the BIG deal.  
I agreed to let Landon's best friend's family take him camping with them for almost an entire week.  
Landon had the time of his life.  They went to James P Taylor campground (I'm pretty sure thats the name) which is by Dillon's beach.  They hiked in Muir woods, went to Heart's Desire beach, Dillon's beach, ate calamari, played on a rope swing, played in a creek, rode bikes, made lots of smores and had an absolute blast.  I am greateful for our friends that treat him like one of their own children and for the fact that he trusts them and feel safe with them.
Although he was super nervous the day he left (tears and all), once he got in their car he never looked back.  It was a great experience for him and I know it will be a memory that he will have forever.

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