Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Grand Finale

Landon has been playing soccer for 3 years now.  His first season, he was timid and young.  He was an amazing defender and he liked to be with kids he knew.  For his second year, we bumped him up to U8 even though he wasn't old enough.  He spent 90% of the season in goalie or on defense.  He made huge improvements, but still struggled to understand offense.  For his third season, we began by practicing a lot in the backyard before the season even started.  His first practice, he was amazing in goalie.  He never played defense, but he was wanting to try offense.  He usually got 1 quarter a game in offense and any other times he played, he was in goalie.  Needless to say, with his slow offensive development, he had never scored a goal in all 3 seasons.  
The emotions for him toward the end of the season seemed high.  There were tears at several games.  He was getting so close to scoring, but he could never bring out the aggressive side he has in the backyard.  On the very last game of the season, everything came together for him.  As you can see from the pictures, it was an extremely wet and muddy game.  He was so excited, but it was freezing outside.  I think it was in the 2nd quarter, he scored not only one, but two goals.  Back to back.  It was so amazing.  We would have been proud of his season no matter what, but not only being the only undefeated team, but being able to finally score a goal, was so fun to watch.  He really will miss this soccer team when we move.   

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