Thursday, November 12, 2009

Weekly update

We have been sick again this week. When I say we, I mean Landon and Steve. Steve is traveling, so he is not around, but Landon has missed 3 days of school this week. I got my first call from the school nurse this week telling me to come pick up my boy. He had a fever and needed to go home. He told me when I came to get him that his teacher asked him if he felt ok. He said "yes". I asked him why she asked him. He wasn't sure. I am guessing because he had the sad, fever eyes. Maybe he wasn't playing at recess. He wasn't sure. I am glad they pay attention. He was afraid he would be in trouble for not feeling good??? So sad. It has been nice having him home. House is a little messy, but nice to have my boys around. I love the noise. Crazy as they may make me sometimes. Hope we are getting all the sickness out in the first part of the flu season and this isn't a sign of how it's going to be this winter.
Grey is a super speedy crawler. It is a constant job to keep small things picked up. I know I say it a lot, but I sure love that baby. He is a perfect mix of needy and independent. He has his moments where he just wants to be held, but then he also plays a ton by himself. He loves the dog, and the dog food for that matter. He loves the tree moss. He loves to be right in the middle of whatever the older boys are doing. He spends a ton of time just standing at the ottoman and watching them. He is doing great with pretty much all food. Green beans and peas are his least favorite, but he eats everything now. Carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, squash (his fav), green beans, and any fruit. He loves those little fruit star things and thinks Cheerios are fair. He likes bread, and water through the straw. He has figured out how to suck from the sippy cup and is taking a bottle, albeit unwillingly. He cries when I leave the room at nap time. It lasts about 30 seconds then he walks around the edges of the crib, talks and eventually lays down and goes to sleep. He is taking 3 naps a day. When we are off schedule they are short, but if we are home a few days, they get longer. He has been terrible at night. Getting up somewhere between 3-4 times. Last night he actually slept through the night. (8-7) Hope he has turned a corner.

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