Thursday, August 6, 2009


So, since I have boys, I have to be careful what toys that I buy for them.  I am all about them being well rounded, but sometimes I think that I forget that they love things that may seem girly to most people.  I hesitated at first to buy this jewelry making set, but it is some of the best money I have spent.  We have spent countless hours making bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc.  They love the fact that they can create and recreate.  And for me, it is something that I can do with them for an extended amount of time and not get bored.  Don't get me wrong, I love trucks, blocks, superheros and sports, but I just don't know how to make good crashing sounds and don't know how to fight the bad guy.  
So, the other day, Landon wouldn't nap, so I spent some good one on one time with him.  This is what we decided to do.  Grey, Landon and I were bedazzeled from head to toe.  We had a blast.  Grey didn't seem to mind having stuff put all over him.  I highly recommend this fun snap together set by Parents.  We have even made a day of it, wearing our fancy jewelry to various places.  It is just that fun!

Notice the super cute toe ring?


Steph Weaver said...

Ellie just got that same set of beads for her birthday...BEST gift ever! It has been a couple weeks and still her favorite gift. And, my boys enjoy them too! We got them from a friend and I have checked 3 Targets looking for more, but haven't had any luck! Cute pictures...nothing wrong with boys making jewelry!

Steph Weaver said...

P.S...just noticing how much Grey has changed since I saw him! It is crazy how quick they change...very cute!

Kari said...

What a great idea! I love that you put them all over little Grey! what a little trooper! Where did you get that jewelry set? My kids would love that too!!