Monday, January 5, 2009

First Day of School for my 2nd Child!

Today was the first day of school for Cohen.  He has been DyInG to go to school for a while, but since he potty trained in November, it has been a constant battle to explain why he can't go to school.  He was so excited to go this morning.  We got ready in a huge hurry (no naps on Sunday with church being at 12:30 now is going to kill us!!), I had to wake him up with 10 minutes to go until we were supposed to leave.  We dropped Landon off at his class and then bolted to the preschool corridor.  

His class is at the same school, just in a different area.  I knew as soon as we got to his class that leaving him was going to be harder than he had made it sound.  He was chewing his fingers till they were raw, hiding behind my leg and clinging to me without a chance of letting go.  The good thing is that we did this at the same school last year with Landon.  His teacher is super sweet and so I stayed about 10 minutes until I could sense he was getting less apprehensive.  I had to go pay tuition for the both of them (OUCH!!!), and give them Co's medical form so I told him I would be back in 5 minutes.  He thought about it and decided that would be fine.

When I came back this is what I saw.  Peering through the window, he was quietly playing by himself, and checking out what the other kids around him were doing.  Of course, through the window is a terrible picture, but it was so sweet to see.  I popped my head in and told him I was leaving.  He wasn't sure what to do, so he just sat there.  I blew him a kiss and ran out before there were tears from either of us.  When I picked him up, his teacher said he did great.  He cried once, but only because he thought they were going to make him participate in something that he wasn't sure he wanted to do.  All in all, a huge success.  He says he wants to go back, but not tomorrow.  I asked him if the next day would be good and he said yes.  Perfect!! (since it is MWF!)  The biggest bummer was they didn't get to go to recess because of the rain today.  He told me first thing that he didn't get to go to his playground.  Hopefully the rain will cooperate and he will have even more fun on Wednesday.  I got a ton done, including my first pedicure without having to have a husband or babysitter!!  Amazing how fast 3 hours goes, but it was so nice not to have to haul them in on those tedious 5 second, run in/run out errands, that we all know, if it was safe, we would TOTALLY  leave our children in the car to do!  And best of all, I am so excited to have my one on one time with him again tomorrow.  


amber said...

I love the smile on the driveway! That is the cutest Co picture, such a biggest boy.

Jenny said...

Hi Allison,
Your family is darling! My 3 year old is so bored while big brother goes to school. I know he will be excited to go to school here in Ca! It's good to be back on my family blog! Talk to you later!

Kari said...

Oh how sweet! He is such a cutie and I'm happy for YOU that you have a little break every now and then! It's tough letting them grow up but it's also fun and exciting when they do actually enjoy the new routine and it makes it a little easier for mom!