Monday, December 8, 2008

Public vs. Private

So the debate is on as to what we should do with Landon next year.  Before this school year started we were all set to be done paying for Landons' school for a while, but now I'm not sure.  I haven't heard terrific reviews on the public schools here and I don't think we could be any happier where we are at.  My 2 points of discussion are: 1. Do I want to pay for school when it could be free?  2. Does it bother me that much that they say God instead of Heavenly Father?(because I am constantly correcting Landon).  I had to talk Steve into doing the 5 day/wk pre-K program and now he is SO glad we did it.  Landon gets so much attention from his teachers.  They have much smaller classes, they notice when things aren't going well, they can say the pledge of allegiance, they can pray (or say grace, as they call it) and the families are very involved.  
I knew exactly where Landon would go if we were still in AZ, but here I am not sure.  
Also, I wouldn't have to drive 2 different places since Co will be in pre-school next year and could go to the same school as Landon.  But, then again, Co would be half day and Landon would be all day.  Aaahhh!  Education is SO important to me, and I know how a good start can affect them for years to come.  What to do, what to do!!!  I am envious of my friends in AZ who are sending their kids to the private school where I went.  I knew it was a perfect fit for Landon.  I want him to stay close to his church friends, but I think we can do that by just hanging out with the people we do on a regular basis.  Diversity is good.  Right???

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