Thursday, September 25, 2008


Soccer season is well under way and it is so fun being a soccer mom. Landon has done really well in soccer and the transition has been better even than our last basketball season. He is really getting the hang of the game and asks to play all the positions. He loves getting his uniform on but hates the socks and shin guards. They itch, he says.
How cute is their team banner?
Soccer dad and soccer bro. Cohen loves going to soccer practice and games. Landon has a friend on the team and he has a brother that is around Co's age. They both get to play outside every week twice a week. Good boy fun. They both have to have their water bottles and Co needs his own chair. He even carries it himself. Funny kid!

He loves playing defender. I think that is his favorite. He is actually pretty good at it. Offense is a bit intimidating still and goalie is definately not his forte, but he can really kick it hard and far if he knows that is his job.I love that the kids line up and do the slapping hands thing. They totally don't get it, but it is cute. They run under a bridge the parents make with their hands after. Too cute. Life is great being the mom!

1 comment:

amber said...

We are so lucky to have Landon. He doesn't complain or cause problems. It also helps that he is taller then the goal!!! Way to go DEFENDER Landon!!