This has been a big developmental month for Lillian. She has started to crawl on all 4's, although she only does about 30% of the time. She still prefers the army crawl for speed. She also started pulling up on everything. She started pulling up onto her bouncy seat, with her buns high in the air, and quickly transitioned to pulling up at the ottoman and couch and anything else that she finds. Another huge milestone for her is climbing the stairs. She has gotten much faster and we have had to finally make use of a baby gate again, much to the dislike of Grey.
She is doing fair on progress as far as eating goes. She seems to do ok trying things for the first time, provided they are NOT on a spoon. She eats cheerios and the star puffs, and for a short stretch she did well eating about 2-4 Tablespoons of yogurt. Although the yogurt didn't last long, we are still happy that she is at least putting things in her mouth, even if she doesn't care for them. She still prefers things that are non-edible, such as paper, to try and eat.
She has gained so much personality this month as well. She has a strong preference for me and will even reach for me if someone else is holding her. She cries often when the boys get in her face and doesn't seem to be afraid to tell them NO. She has become looser with her laughter and will often give a good belly laugh when tickled or playing peek-a-boo.
She had her first testing done to try and figure out why she's not gaining weight and although the test was normal, we are still doing therapy twice a month and seeing the specialist.
She currently weighs around 15 pounds and is just a little peanut.
She is the happiest most content baby and rarely cries, unless she falls, hits her head or is stuck somewhere. She is still doing mostly catnaps for 45 minutes and usually takes 4 naps a day. We are stuck at home most of the time because that is the only place she will nurse and so for now we are catering to her needs since she doesn't have any wiggle room when it comes to weight loss.
Her nighttime sleep is hit and miss now, and since she needs the extra feedings, I don't mind getting up with her. It is usually once or twice a night, but can sometimes be more.
Sometimes when I hold and rock this baby girl, I can't believe that she is getting so close to her first birthday. I know that she is our last, and I am enjoying every second with her. I can even get teary at times, thinking this baby stage has almost come to a close. It has been fun having her stay small, we just wish it wasn't a concerning small. Otherwise, a peanut is the very best!
I also wanted to remember that she got her first 2 teeth just after the 8 month mark. The LL on the 25th and the LR on the 26th. She is so funny to watch as she tests them out.