Monday, September 26, 2011

6 months

She is 6 months old...that's half of the first year.  Over, gone, done!  I can't believe it!
So I'll start with a list of what she's doing:
-chews on her thumb
-chews on her blanket
-sticks her little, cutest, pointy tongue out
-rolls over both ways very easily 
-often rolls over and over until she's wrapped up in her blanket
-pushes up really high
-scoots to get things out of reach
-sits up for a few seconds all on her own
-laughs and smiles
-is happy for long periods of time just laying on the floor
-still in side sleep positioner for naps and night
-naps 3-4 times a day, still not overly predicable on length
-still wakes up in the early morning to nurse (4-5ish)
-going to bed at 8:30
-hair that didn't fall out is very long and I have even trimmed it a few times
-likes the exersaucer more now
-still very petite
-makes noises, but no consonant sounds, no raspberries
-still refuses the bottle
-hates anything solid that we have attempted to give her

So, when I took her to the Dr. last week things didn't go overly well.  They are very concerned about her weight.  She has continued to drop on the charts and is now in the 7% for her weight.  She told us we needed to supplement her with formula and solids, but she refuses both.  She is so happy and sweet and we are so worried about her.  They have not diagnosed her with failure to thrive because her height and head circumference have continued to grow, but it seems we are headed down that path unless things don't change soon.  She just rarely puts anything in her mouth.  She loves to chew on her thumb, and on her muslin blankets and loves to nurse, but thats it. I am hoping things change soon, but we go for a weight check in 2 weeks and hopefully she is just staying in that 7% range and there is no need to worry.  They don't mind her being petite, but she has dropped 20% each time she is checked and there just isn't room for her to drop in the charts again.  It is the most horrible feeling to think that your baby isn't getting enough food, but she is just so content all the time and looks so healthy.  She is just a peanut.  We are so smitten with her and love every minute of having her around.  

Height: 27.25"  (88%)
Weight: 13 lb. 14oz.  (7%)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Donner Lake

 We took a quick trip to Donner Lake with some friends in the middle of August.  Steve had a rafting trip with the youth so I headed up there on Friday solo and Steve and his dad joined us for Saturday night and part of Sunday.  It was a nice trip.  Cat's niece Rachel, had been nannying for both of us all summer and came to help.  We were able to go for a run in the morning on Saturday before we headed to the beach.  Roman took the older boys fishing and hunting for crawdads.  Then the kids did some serious sand castle making with Rachel.  The next day we tried to do the hike down to Emerald bay, but it was so windy and cold we ended up just getting out and taking a few pictures and heading back to the cabin before cleaning up and heading home.  It was so nice of our friends to have our crazy family join them at their cabin.  It is one of the most beautiful locations I've ever seen right on the lake.

Post run, endorphin high, not sure what I was thinking wanting a picture.  It was just so beautiful on the lake.

My sweet girl with the crazy bedhead!

That was some serious wind.  I got quite a laugh when I saw Grey's hair.  SO funny!
I wonder why my back always hurts?!? Carrying the kiddos around I think I have a permanent curve in my back!

Good Friends

One thing I love about people that have known you your whole life is, that if you are still in contact with them, it means they know EVERYTHING about you, and like you anyways.
Stephanie and her family were out here for 2 weeks.  We got together numerous times while they were here.  Our kids got along SO well.  They swam, played hide and seek, played xbox, iPads, picked tons of blackberries, made jam, cobbler and just had tons of fun.  Stephanie and I talked and laughed, shopped a little, ate and then talked and laughed some more.  There are some people you don't mind dropping everything for and this is one family I can definitely say that about.  
We grew up in the same ward and Steph has the best sense of humor.  I mean, the kind of person that can always bring your mood up.  I can honestly say I had some of the best days of summer while they were here.  My kids wish they were neighbors and I would love it, too.  
 Grey and Ellie are about the same size.  Ellie is 6, Grey is 2.  They played iPads and iTouches almost non stop!  Grey loved being around her.

Brady, me, Stephanie, Lily and Landon, Ellie, Blake and Cohen (Grey was napping!)

Lillian at 5 months

Last week was way too crazy to post about Lillian turning 5 months, but I wanted to get some things written down before I forget.
-she is still sleeping in her side sleep positioner
-sleeps 9:30-5ish and then eats and goes back down til around 8
-eats every 3 hrs
-spits up more now that I'm trying to feed her more
-can still wear some 0-3 month things, and most of the 3-6 month is quite big still
-napping is hit or miss on length, but lately it has been a lot of 45 minute naps. Thankfully she always wakes up happy
- she just tried the exersaucer last week for the first time. She's not overly sure about it, but thinks it's ok for a few minutes.
-loves toys and is trying to touch anything and everything in reach
-isn't drooling much, but a little (way less than the boys, for sure)
-just started chewing on her thumb a ton. She never sucks it, but she likes it in her mouth
-she doesn't like the feel of much in her mouth, so she never puts toys or anything in her mouth. Pretty funny to watch her expression when something touches her mouth
-can roll over both ways, but doesn't do it much
-loves to talk and seems loudest when she's tired or hungry
-often squeals to get someone's attention. Usually her daddy or brothers, but it's quite funny to watch her try to get someone to look at her.
-her hair has fallen out a ton, but there is a lot of it that hasn't that is about 3 inches long and is a little curly
-her new hair seems to be coming in black (I am so excited about this!)
-is finally getting freer with her laugh and occasionally let's out a good laugh. I can ever make get laugh by just talking to her now.
- clasps her hands together out in front of her and plays with them a ton
-loves to grab her toes and now that she is chewing on her thumb she has started putting her toes in her mouth from time to time
-is amazing on he go or at home and we are just so grateful for her sweet personality in our lives.

She gets this super duper excited smile with her mouth wide open all the time.  It is so funny and way too cute!