This sweet little girl turned 9 months old today. This 9 months has flown by. When I think of it in relation to things like, only 3 months until she is 1, or she is half way to being old enough for nursery, I can't believe it!
Here are her stats:
16 lbs. 1 oz (5%)
28.5 in. (74%)
The Dr. was ok with her weight even though she had dropped a little from her last appointment. She is trying new things and making progress. And she is doing everything developmentally (well, almost) that she should be.
So here is what this cutie pie can do:
-Crawls on hands and knees 100% of the time
-pulls up on everything
-walks along the edge of the couch and ottoman
-moves back and forth between couch and ottoman and occasionally forgets and just lets go entirely
-climbs the stairs at a very fast pace
-pulls up at the toilet (so gross!) and unrolls all the toilet paper
-claps her hands
-says "yaw yaw yaw" and "la la la" (but no consonant sounds yet)
-plays peek a boo
-has 2 teeth and is very close to getting 2 more
-takes 2-3 naps (not consistent on length, usually short though)
-night sleep, wakes up 1-2 times, 7:30-7
-still loves to be swaddled at bed and nap time
-leaves hair bows in and seems to like them
-starting to fight me to go down for naps and I have to lock her in to a cradle position and then she will finally give in
-loves mashed potatoes and does best with these, just not off a spoon
-will eat chunks of avocado, star puffs, mac and cheese, cheese quesadilla, cheerios, and even tried egg with cheese
-her portions are tiny, but she is making progress
-still no baby puree
-whines at my feet when she wants to be held
-still in a size 2 diaper, but I think she is almost ready for the 3
-3-6 month pants are too short, but too big around the waist
Can you see her teeth? I should have edited and zoomed, but that would be too much work!
She was so patient for this photo shoot. I felt so bad because she is really sick and as soon as it was over, her fever spiked and she zonked out. She really is the world's best and sweetest baby!