Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Winter Vacation

This winter we finally planned a long talked about, ski vacation. We have always wanted to take our family to a ski resort and do a winter vacation. The older boys are getting big enough to learn to snowboard and so this year we bit the bullet and did it. It was a blast. We spent and entire week at Northstar in Lake Tahoe. We first were introduced to Northstar by some friends last year and we knew we had to go back. I was so surprised at how much Grey loved the snow. The older boys can pretty much dress themselves and never complain about being cold. They would play in the snow all day if we would let them. This is how we spent the week... the boys played in the snow, we had hot cocoa, we went tubing, went sledding, had friends come stay, the boys took snowboarding lessons, Steve and I were able to get a nanny for Grey and spend a day together on the mountain, we read books, played video games, watched the superbowl, had smores by the fire, ice skated, cooked fun meals, relaxed, and loved every minute of our first official ski vacation. I am so excited to plan one for next year. Hope we can make it work and are able to make it a tradition. We did that as a family when I was young and I have a ton of amazing memories from it. We have felt so blessed to have been able to enjoy such an amazing time with our family.
We didn't think that Landon was going to be able to snowboard because of his eye, but by the end of the week he was doing so well, we went against the doctors orders and sent him to ski school. He loved it so much he did it a second day. Co loved it, but decided one day was enough. Grey was perfect for the nanny. It was so amazing to get on the mountain with my husband. We think it has been almost 10 years since we were able to ski together. Well, I ski, Steve snowboards. Landon hated that we kept calling everything skiing. He needed it to be clear that skiing was for girls (hence I'm the skiier and the only girl!)!

Landon was a natural, of course. There is still a lot to learn for him, but he will pick it up fast. This boy amazes me with his natural athletic ability. He must get it from me! Hahaha!
Co wasn't as good as Landon was, but he sure tried hard. I can see him loving it as he gets bigger.
The boys in their snowboarding class. They had one other boy with them, and they thought that was super fun having a new friend with them.
Last year Co was so brave when we went tubing. This year I thought he may quit after the first ride down. You could tell that he had much more fear. His face got this panicked look on it every time, but each time he ended with a smile and wanted to go again. Landon on the other hand, got braver. He didn't really want to go down with us and asked them to spin his tube every time. It is fun to watch them grow and change.

Grey was so patient while we tubed. He played in the snow and just sat and watched while Steve and I took turns with the boys. I love this little man and his crazy hair!
Grey loved graham crackers. He must have eaten 3 or 4 crackers every time we went and did smores.

Grey didn't mind his ski clothes, except the jacket. He hated the jacket. Well, and he wouldn't let us put his snow boots on, but I think that is more because he hasn't worn real shoes yet.
The boys loved to ride the gondola down to the village where the ice skating and restaurants were.

Landon's Eye

So here's the eye injury story...

One Sunday afternoon in late January, I put Steve in charge of getting the boys down for naps. Landon is, and always has been, impossible to put down for a nap. This day, he told Steve he (Landon) was a smart alec (sp?). They were horsing around a bit, and Steve was going to thump him on the forehead. Landon turned at the same second he did, and Steve thumped him right in the eye.
I didn't know anything of the story until Monday when the white of Landon's eye continued to get more and more red. I told Steve I thought Landon was getting an eye infection, but I was corrected and Steve told me what happened. Neither of us really thought it was that big of a deal, but now we know different. By Tuesday night, Landon was really bothered by his eye. He said it felt like he had an eyelash in it and it hurt to be in the bright light. I tried to get him to leave it alone, but that's hard when you have an itchy eye.
I put Landon and Cohen in the shower after dinner and got Grey undressed to bathe him, as well. I went in to make sure they were getting soaped up before I started Greys' bath and Landon looked up at me, panic in his eyes, and said "Mommy, my eye is all silly and I can't see very well." As I looked into his eye, the entire iris and pupil were full of blood. I was alone and I totally panicked. I instructed him to hurry and get out of the shower, which he did, soap and all. Cohen was upset because he didn't want to get out, Grey was naked, Landon was freaked out and I was alone. I quickly called my neighbor and asked if she could take Co and Grey. I dressed the kids, I called Steve and told him to meet me at the ER and then my sweet boy and I fell to our knees and prayed. A calm came over me and I was sure all would be okay.
At the ER, they were "amazed" he could even see at all through all the blood. I wasn't amazed. I knew why! There is no opthamologist at the ER, so we were advised to go home. They gave us some eye drops and we were sent to a specialist the next day.
Landon was placed on the strictest bed rest you have ever heard of. No walking, no reading, no video games, no toys, no movement. Only TV watching was allowed to focus and rest the eye or sleep. This lasted 4 days. It could have been some of the craziest days I will ever remember. It is hard to remember at 6 to sit still, not to turn your head, not to get up and walk to the bathroom when you need to go. It was hard. Landon also had to wear an eye patch for 2 weeks. When we went to the specialist the first day, he was not encouraging. The damage to the eye was severe. His vision was 20/100, and it was still bleeding. Not good! We went back daily for the next 4 days. Small improvement each day were made. By Saturday things were healed, but his vision was not improving. We went back a week later and his vision was 20/30... near perfect. We still need to be seen one more time, but we are grateful for the power of prayer and the power of the priesthood. I knew the night it all happened that it would be okay. At one point I thought he may end up having to wear glasses, but to me, that was still okay. It was a good possibility that he could have lost his vision entirely. We are grateful for the blessing Steve was able to give him and for the lesson it taught Landon in faith and prayer. We will never forget the Spirit we felt during those few weeks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Half Moon Bay

We took a trip up to Half Moon Bay the day after Christmas. Steve had tickets to a Sharks hockey game and so we decided it was a good excuse to see a new, beautiful place. The view was breathtaking. There aren't many times that I am as taken by nature as Steve is, but this is one time that I was. I guess this is one of the benefits to having him gone so much. Thank you Marriott points for a free stay at the Ritz Carlton.
The kids had fun at the hockey game. Although things were a little bit crazy, it is always fun for the kids to get to stay in a hotel room and share beds with us. Grey was super naughty and wouldn't go back to sleep around 5am, so Steve went for a drive with Grey and let the older boys and I sleep. I am excited to go back again someday. It would be an awesome place to go without kids. So romantic.
It was tough getting a good picture because we had to look straight into the sun to catch the beautiful view behind us.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How did I miss that post???

So Grey is walking! How did I forget to write that down? I'm not sure of the date that he first discovered that he could stand on his own, but he can. It was about a month ago (around the middle of January), I guess. I haven't even gotten any cute pictures of his super proud smile. He stuck to the 4-6 steps of walking for almost 3 full weeks, but this week he has really blossomed. He is walking across half of a room. He tries walking first, then crawls until he can find somewhere else to stand. I can't believe that he is walking, but I don't think he believes it either. He gets the most amazing smile on his face. The smile and puffing of his chest with pride, used to knock him off his feet because they threw him off balance. But now, his pride is still every bit as clear as each takes more and more steps.

A few more updates on him.... loves mac and cheese, loves to scream, has 6 teeth and is working on 2 more, loves to snuggle, loves yogurt, loves balls, says "ball" "dada" "mama" and "boon" (ballon) and I could swear he says "dan den" (Landon). Still spits up. Still gets up once every night. Loves his brothers. He growing up WaY too fast. Love that boy.

I am way behind on posting, but life seems crazy lately. So, for now... at least I will remember Grey started walking sometime around 9 1/2 months!