So we took the boys to this fun place up here called Apple Hill. It is miles and miles of apple orchards, ranches and wineries that are about 40 minutes from the house. There is so much to do there and we went on a whim without a plan of course, but they had so much fun. There is tons of good food (carmel apples, pies, fresh apple cider, donuts, apples, etc,), crafts, animals, activities for the kids, and much more. We only got to do a few things, but the boys loved it. Next time we will know where to go first, but we are just not great planners.

The boys loved watching kids fish, feeding the ducks, and hanging out by the water.

Man, Steve looks to tall in this picture. I love my boys!

Their first pony ride. I wasn't going to pay to let them go because I was sure they would totally freak out and it would be a waste anyway. I guess I though all that out loud because Cohen kept saying "I won't freak out, mom. Mom, I won't freak out." He didn't, which he pointed out "See mom, told you I not freak out", but Landon on the other hand wasn't quite as calm. He got really nervous because Co's horse was sniffing his horses rear. He was sure it was going to bite him. Cohen of course picked the black one (since its about the only color he knows) and it was also the biggest. It was super fun for them.

Brothers.... I am so glad I am having another boy. These two really do look out for each other and have so much fun together. They couldn't be more excited for another baby. I hope they will be the 3 musketeers! Now if we could just settle on a name for the new baby. Go figure, the only time we can settle on a girl name, it's a boy. We have always avoided this name game, but this time it is a fight to the finish! Ha, ha.... hope I win!!!